Cardiac surgery ( is a web presentation created for the education of cardiac surgery patients and their families. Pages are designed and written in a patient-friendly style to help you understand complex surgical pathology and prepare you in the best way for the upcoming surgery. Therefore we provide you information on your heart anatomy and function, heart diseases and surgical options to treat them, and essential insight into what to expect throughout the open-heart surgery.
Some pages are dedicated to doctors, medical students, and other heart care professionals, as well as providing the treatment guidelines and covering some essential cardiac surgery topics. Patients are welcome to visit these pages, although they should keep in mind that images and videos in this section are more explicit than patient-friendly.
Guidelines and treatment options at are for educational purposes only, and you should not use or practice any therapy or treatment on your own without talking to your doctor., therefore, disclaims no responsibility for complications and damage made by personal or unprofessional treatment.
Images and drawings at are made by prof Stojanovic and are copyrighted. exists more than ten years so far, and up to date, over 100 000 patients worldwide visited the site. That is the third and revised edition, and we hope will be a helpful guide for you to understand and win the disease.
Prof Ivan Stojanović, MD, PhD
Cardiac surgeon